Bollywood actress Fatima Sana Shaikh, who will be next seen portraying the iconic role of Indira Gandhi in director Meghna Gulzar’s upcoming biopic ‘Sam Bahadur’, has revealed that she has been suffering from epilepsy.
In an interview, Fatima opened up about her health condition and said, “It was only after my diagnosis that I realized how little people know about epilepsy. I hope my story will help create awareness and understanding about this condition. “The 26-year-old actress was diagnosed with epilepsy a few years ago and has been on medication since then.
Speaking about her experience, she said, “There have been times when I’ve had seizures in public places and it’s been extremely embarrassing and scary. But I’m grateful to my family and friends who have always been supportive.” Fatima is currently gearing up for the release of ‘Sam Bahadur’.
Shaikh says that her experience with epilepsy has been a “rollercoaster ride”, but that she is determined to raise awareness about the condition and help others who may be dealing with it.
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